Root Canal


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  • Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
  • Friday 07:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday 08:00 - 18:00

A root canal is a capillary, which runs from the base of the root of the tooth to the middle of the crown

kathrym Cooper

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Root Canal

Root Canal

A root canal is a capillary, which runs from the base of the root of the tooth to the middle of the crown (the visible part of the tooth). The root canal carries the pulp (a network of blood and nerve cells), which brings the tooth to life.The nerve of the tooth gets damaged due to many reasons. One of the main causes is cavity in the tooth that grows deeper and touches the nerve. Since the cavity is filled with bacteria, the root canal gets inflamed and causes pain. Other reasons that may damage the teeth are accidental cracks or infection from gums reaching to the base of roots. In such cases, root canal treatments can easily stabilize the position.

Root Canal Treatment is one name that gives many patients shivers when told about it. However, in reality, it is not that bad. Infact, it is an instant pain reliever and the best treatment to retain the original teeth. A Root canal treated tooth serves its purpose and function just as a healthy tooth.

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Root Canal Treatment

The outer portion or Crown of a tooth is a three-layered structure namely – Enamel, Dentin & Pulp.
If the tooth decay is limited to the first two layers, it can be corrected with Filling/ Restoration. In case the tooth decay reaches the third layer and causes inflammation or infection of pulp, an RCT or Endodontic Treatment is needed.

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) also is known as Endodontic Treatment is a procedure done when the tooth decay reaches the pulp (innermost layer of the tooth) causing inflammation. It is necessary to save the damaged tooth from extraction. This procedure is done by an Endodontist who is known as a Root Canal Specialist. The procedure involves:

  • Removal of inflamed or infected tooth material
  • Cleaning and disinfection
  • Filling and sealing with an inert material
  • Restoration and crown/cap

It is a multi-step procedure and may require multiple sittings.